Sorn, an ethnic Shan sex worker, copes with his bitter reality in Chiang Mai, Thailand b如果不是果为前不久刚刚看了天堂影戏院 影戏里对放影戏的场景可能还是会感应新偶 不过对胶卷影戏那件事的执念曾经被天堂影戏院表达完了 根基上是无法逾越了 就当那局部是国内的天堂影戏院吧 前期宣发也很到位,情节什么年夜抵也都分明 惊喜还正在于国师的镜头语止 两年后没有对白的那段 以及一切的年夜漠,灯光,明暗交错 特地时期下年夜西北的厚重与豪爽 都是视觉的享用。 imagining himself in his clients’ lives. He is drawn into a complex relationship with one client, a police officer investigating a political activist, even as he tries to build a future of his own as a refugee far from home.