之前有看到过那部影戏但没太注意,后面发现是温斯莱特和罗南两位主演就决议看那部影片了。我觉得正在人物描写方面不是很饱满,夏洛特的人物形象会隐得比较干肥,平宁平静的人物描写相较夏洛特会稍微好点,但总觉得关于两位副角的引见有点藏着掖着的。19世纪的英国,城镇和都市的环境,汉子和女人的职位,背景却是不错的。 Sky has released an exclusive first look at season two of the critically acclaimed series, The Lazarus Project. Starring Paapa Essiedu, Charly Clive, Rudi Dharmalingam, Anjli Mohindra and Caroline Quentin, the action-packed series, written by BAFTA nominated Joe Barton and Howard Overman, will return later this year to Sky Max and NOW.