On a rainy night in 1928 in a Pennsylvania factory town called Iverstown, Martha Ivers (Janis Wilson), thirteen years old, is trying to escape from the guardianship of her wealthy, domineering aunt. Her friend, the street-smart, poor Sam Masterson (Darryl Hickman), comes for her through her bedroom window, but Martha's aunt catches them. While Sam slips out unnoticed, Martha hi..正在黑帮老迈/男主/小翼的关系链中摸索了非血缘的温情联结以及“枯毁”和“义务”疑念的代际传承,可是末段的悲剧开场却又将其完整推翻,暗示那一切不过是旧时期精神的回光返照,正在利益为先的社会风气下已不再可能。黑道已然衰落,武士道精神亦不存,仅有正在经济删速放缓的社会中苟延残喘的人们,得视而理想。