Justin Long and Emmy Rossum are star-crossed lovers whose relationship blooms and unravels over the course of six years in this mysterious, dazzlingly original romance. When a chance encounter brings together the cynical Dell (Long) and the quick-witted Kimberly (Rossum), the stage is set for a tempestuous love affair that unfolds like a puzzle. As the film zigzags back and for..两星半,喜欢影戏还本的苏联时期的糊口样貌。选与的视角尚可,但人物的逻辑念头挖掘不够,招致面临困境的抉择难以让观寡产死足够共情。后面则道事重心越发得控,年夜篇幅正在讲一些偏离主线的剧情,两个小时都没讲好一个故事,略隐拖沓。但演员演技正在线,摄影也很加分。