For some, the Western trail was a destination for oppurtunity and adventure. For others, it was the centerpiece for danger and despair. When ex-lawman Preston Biggs is hired to escort a group of women suffering from prairie fever back to civilization, they are met by a killer gang intent on stopping their passage. With a seemingly impossible journey ahead, the group finds one l..是我喜欢的喜剧影戏。 我以为喜剧影戏能让我笑就算及格,看得欢欣就属于逾越预期了,并不会刻意来念合不合理。 那部影戏就是细念一点也不合理,可是看起来很欢欣的荒唐喜剧影戏。 两位男主的演技让我觉得很享用,本来那就是演技。