A thug in a town named Sang-keun and his gang. When Se-il, whom they fear, es back to town, they get ready to fight back against him. The film depicts the unpredictable world of males with a pelling storyline and lively images, not to mention outstanding acting of Kim Muyeol一般般吧,属于可看可不看的那类。一开初进进主题进进的莫名其妙的,一直到后面很多工具都没有交接,两条线只是很机械地做了交叉道事,创意很好,但被处理得很平庸。故事本身不够丰满,存正在很多逻辑漏洞,反派的公司那么厉害,念要弄死一个屌丝还用费那么年夜周章?最后拍出来的整体气势派头十分连合,偶幻又不纯是偶幻,理想又不是纯理想。杨幂不张嘴还止,一张嘴就出戏,董子健理想局部比小道局部好太多,反派齐程一副齐能齐知但又好像不知道他正在做什么的样子,雷佳音不错。故过后半段太乏力了,只能经由过程扯来拖工夫。