Summertime, 1994. In a quiet mining village just outside Doncaster, a rumour stirs about the legend of a giant carp in the nearby decoy ponds. Trevor takes watch one night at the water's edge. The following night, he decides to lead a brigade of young friends and neighbours on a fishing expedition. In a world of broken families, cassette tapes and rumbling political fever, these friends, each with their own struggles to bear, share a moment of harmony as they witness the carp for themselves that they will never forget高低两部其真气势派头不太一样,上半部是悬疑为主,下半部则更多的是一种斗争与周旋的氛围,到后面究竟谁是Holiday其真曾经昭然若揭了。如果保持了上半部的觉得,下半局部数该当不会那么低。至于猫女和蝙蝠的激情该当是动画里增加的,毕竟现正在的形式就是光让他俩玩猫捉老鼠的暧昧游戏还不够,必定要怼脸让观寡感应感染他俩苦甘美蜜的。