Wyatt, a cynical narcoleptic who lives in a flop house-like apartment, wants to be a journalist. His career dreams are nearly dashed when he notices a mysterious girl named Fern living on his block in an 88' Toyota Tercel hatchback. Fern's father went missing and assumed dead when she was a young child living in Montana. After receiving a cryptic letter from a stranger named Dr. Green, telling her that her father is alive and living in LA, she decides to go look for him herself. Together the two set off on a journey to find Fern's elusive dad among the derelict corners of the city, while developing a not so platonic interest for each other along the way替代她的名字永世地留存正在博物馆。或许她曾经也有过留名历史的激情,只是时期的不公太暴虐了吧。纯真看影戏我觉得两个人的激情描述得不够,一个自闭禁欲那么久的人被感动之前该当会有很多探索和小小暧昧吧,除那个搭肩和死病的照应之中我觉得再描写很多一点会更好,最后be得理所固然,但正在博物馆对视之后就竣事是不是太急促了啊。比起两位副角的cp我觉得更带感的是那位制药的副角啊,哪个女同能遁失落成死年上女性的诱惑!归正我是不能。