Based on "Bodas de sangre" by Federico García Lorca, tells the story of a love triangle between two men and a woman. Two lovers carried away by their passion defying all moral and social rules even challenging their own judgment. The same day of her wedding, the bride and her lover escape on horseback to live their love. Their disobedience will have devastating consequences细致的激情捕捉和极具文教气息的文本。十分“女性”。两位女主的丈夫象征相对中放的暴力的和相对平宁的父权形象,可是即使后者依然需供经由过程福寿膏施加关于女性的控制,必定火平上展现了正在不均衡权力关系结构下同性恋爱情的弗成能。扣分点还是正在于文字的表现能力近强于画面和镜头的隐现能力,正在红发妹子被抓走后尤甚。